Tuesday, August 3, 2010

But I'm Not a Blogger!

I am not a blogger. I don't keep up with journals. I'm not good at it. I just need a way to keep track of this damn list...

Ok...so I started this Day Zero list...and I'm pretty sure I know why. It seems to me that we don't give ourselves enough credit. None of us. What have you accomplished in the last 2.75 years? I bet you can come up with at least a few things. What about 101 things? Didn't think so. The thing is, you probably HAVE accomplished 101 things over the last 1001 days, you just may not realize it, and that's a shame.

The point is, I'd like to be able to say, "This! This is what I've accomplished over the last 2.75 years!" and I think this is the way to do it. I'm basically just planning to keep track of the things I probably would (or should!) have accomplished anyway. I refuse to scrapbook because I lack the creative skills, but I want a way to document my triumphs, so alas, I turn to the blog.

So I guess I am a blogger. At least for the next 2.75 years. Or at least until I get tired of it. ;)

So here it is, the list: www.dayzero.com/user/barilauren

There are only 77 goals on there for now, which means I still need 24. Please feel free to make suggestions, but don't be offended if I don't use them. Thanks!


GFM said...

I'm in the same boat; I'm not a consistant blogger and I'm stuck with 57 things on my Day Zero list.

Yowsers! How about adding answering the 50 Questions that will free your mind to your list? It's a facinating list of questions. Here's a link to them: http://www.marcandangel.com/2009/07/13/50-questions-that-will-free-your-mind/

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